
Monday, August 17, 2009

Sweetie's Swatch (Fluffy Cocoon)

The rationale that i bought it because they looks like "晴天娃娃", wish they will bring you happiness and cheer you up. Muaks, with many love.

门外的桂花香 飘进我的书桌前
我知道该起床 妈再给我两分钟
拉开了窗帘 怎么是下雨天
把吐司咬碎碎 喂我的狗叫MIKAI
哥哥说你猜猜 今天为什么下雨
我讨厌下雨天 亲爱的你快出现
不然我 就告诉妈咪你偷牵我的手
我喜欢夏天 你穿背心的感觉
每天 都想黏 都很甜
我讨厌下雨天 亲爱的你快出现
不然我 就告诉妈咪你偷牵我的手
我喜欢夏天 你穿背心的感觉
每天 都想黏 都很甜

传说中只要你把晴天娃娃挂在屋顶上,晴天就会到来。愿我们的爱情天天放晴, 永浴快乐。

Happy Third Anniversary

“Are you upset little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don't worry...I'm here. The flood waters will recede, the famine will end, the sun will shine tomorrow, and I will always be here to take care of you."

"Charlie Brown to Snoopy”

Friday, December 26, 2008

Very old snoopy game

This is one of the very old game in C64, which featuring snoopy jumping and running here and there..

If you are interest to gain back those golden memories, click here to play. No installation is needed. Special thanks go to

Friday, August 10, 2007

Happy Anniversary

To celebrate this special events, i wrote a poem dedicated to you,
The Peanuts Characters would sing it out for me. Are you ready for this?
(Enjoy the poem and please, do not laugh)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show

Let’s have a party with Charlie Brown and Snoopy,
We can go dancing with Linus and Lucy.
Put on a smile and stay for a while,
Come on let’s dance around with Snoopy and Charlie Brown.

Woodstock'll whistle, Sally will be singing,
Marcie and Peppermint Patty will be swinging.
Kick up your feet, in time with the beat,
Come on let’s dance around with Snoopy and Charlie Brown.

Now we've got the beat,
Get up and dance those happy feet,
We're dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing,
With Snoopy's happy feet.

Freda and Franklin, even little Rerun,
Bounce back with Snoopy, everybody's having fun.
Let's not go home yet, if we stick around,
Maybe that red-haired girl will come and dance with Charlie Brown.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Memories of the heart

Memories of the heart

When a pet dies, its like loosing one of your pals, and you were the best pal a pet ever had.
To every thing there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.
May the beauty of memories always with us, wishing you peace.....

Friday, August 04, 2006

Evolution of Snoopy

Snoopy 1950

Snoopy 1960

Snoopy 1970

Snoopy 1980

Snoopy 1990

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Feeling Sky High..

Feeling Sky High....

Movie that we watch together..Sky High.

City Square Mega Pavillion Cinema.
I drop by here after finish my survey..actually not intend to watch movie, just wanna recall back memories on those time with you. Truthly, is a pleasure to watch movie with you, in fact, during that time, I didn't pay much attention on that movie...rather...most on you..i think. Sometime i really act stupid and weird infront of you...don't ask me why..i also don't know...

Is good to have movie with someone you really feel like sky high and end up with endless sleepless night. The night is still young..i think i will spend sometimes here............