Hi, i really wish i have a real chance to speek with you like always we do. The reason i create this blog page is because i like you to know my feelings start from earlier. I like to take this opportunity to write down a few words for you.
(1) First of all, i want to say i really like you, i notice you since meet you in the first place, just that not brave enough to get close with you. This is the part that i most regret at all.... i always try to figure where u r each time in fac, and look you from far away. i do may best at any time u need my help.
(2) Second, i didn't playing with our relationship at all, i'm really serious about our relationship. I really want to c it grow..do u know how excited am i each time we go out together...sometime i even can't sleep at night...and also for the biscuit u bought it for me..i eat it little by little and the last one, i keep in refrigerator for a long time.
(3) Third, we really have a chance be together, but what u mentioned that u don't like me to ask about our relationship...and further, don't force you. i respect and follow all of your request. i wanna invite you out to celebrate birthday before you went back, and you keep reject me. I stop at your hostel there and bought you some foods i thought u will enjoy on raining days, and end up waiting there, and eat those foods by my own. each time i call you and you seem not very happy with it...and sms feedback is only a few word. what should i do? i can't even sense a chance at all..and i can't ask you..how suffer am i.....At least u let me know u have a little heart for me, even a tiny part and i will be here for you. Do you really know how deep i like you.
(4) I already try keep my self from you since then, but i really hope to drop a visit to you on genting, checkout how well u doing in your practical and explain to you what happen now, but fail to do so again. When i saw you coming back, i loosing my mind again. I really like to share with you what happen since you gone....what i need is a chance.
(5) Do you know how hurt when you hurt somebody you love...i tell you...is pain, very very pain. I understand that u have a hard time as before and now, so do I. what i can do is keep saying i'm sorry...sorry that i should not like u in the first place...sorry that i should not make any wishes that we will be together...
A lot of things still need to be write...but may be next time. All the best for you then...
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